What to do when people mess up

A flowchart about what to do when someone messes up. The first question is was it bad enough to get the police involved. If yes, it points to the exclude from community box, if no it progresses to have they expressed undersdanding of the issue. If no, train and educate, if yes the next box asks if they have expressed remorse or empathy. No leads you to the exclude from community box, and yes leads to is there a mutual understanding of appropriate behaviour moving forward. No again leads to the exclude box, via one that suggests writing a code of conduct. yes leads to make a written record, schedule a check in if needed, and move on. There is an additional box that says, but this is the sixth time with this same guy, which then again leads to the exclusion from the community option.

  Following on from my blog post about how to spot someone problematic, this blog is about what to do when someone messes up. Of course, in lots of cases forgiveness is key, but that needs to be balanced with looking out for the safety of our communities. As someone who cares a lot about … Read more